Experiences of a blind mole rat translocation: Suggestions for the development of the methodology of blind mole rat monitoring Viktor

  • Viktor Schneider Institute of Wildlife Management and Nature Conservation, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • Orsolya Moldován Hortobágy National Park Directorate; Doctoral School of Animal Science, University of Debrecen
  • Dávid Czabán Hungarian Natural History Museum
  • Attila Németh Department of Nature Conservation, Zoology and Game Management, University of Debrecen; BirdLife Hungary – Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society
Keywords: Nannospalax montanosyrmiensis, population survey, estimation methods for the number of individuals, monitoring, methodology, annual activity


Blind mole rats are not only among the most endangered mammals in Hungary, but monitoring their population trends is also particularly difficult. In the course of a nature conservation intervention in Hungary, aimed at establishing a new population of Vojvodina blind mole rats, we gained experience that could contribute to the further development of monitoring methods. According to our experience, relying exclusively on the morphological features of the mounds may lead to inaccurate identification of the subterranean mammal species during the monitoring survey. However, by opening the tunnel system, the owner of the mounds can be identified much more accurately, based on the characteristics of the tunnels. We also found that blind mole rats are much less active in the autumn than in the spring. Fresh mounds may be entirely lacking in the autumn, especially in the case of males. Therefore, a period in spring is more suitable for population trend monitoring. Our suggestions may help to develop a uniform and more accurate methodology for monitoring blind mole rats.


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Lessons in Conservation Practice