Lessons to be learn from a blind mole rat translocation
Near to the Bajai földikutya-rezervátum protected area (Blind mole rat Reserve of Baja), the home of the largest known population of Vojvodina blind mole rat, it became necessary to translocate a small population of blind mole rats from a solar power plantation construction site. In the course of the conservation action carried out in 2017. ten individuals were translocated to a part of the protected area, which was not inhabited by blind mole rats that time. After the translocation, themanimals were monitored for a year. Comparing the results of the monitoring with data of observation of an already finished, successful translocation, an unfavourable trend was noticed. When various ecological features (relief, soil, botany) of the capture and release sites were compared, the incapability of the designated release site is also arise. The presented results can hopefully contribute to the success of similar future translocation actions.
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