Knowledge of nature conservationists and researchers in the Carpathian basin associated with the Eurasian beaver I: spread, recognisable beaver signs, coexistence and causes of mortality

  • Erika Juhász Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Plant Systematics, Ecology and Theoretical Biology
  • Marianna Biró MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Viktor Ulicsni MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • Zsolt Molnár MTA Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Castor fiber, structured interviews, distribution, coexistence, ethal control


Much professional unpublished knowledge on the Eurasian beaver exists in the local knowledge of local nature conservationists and researchers. We asked experts knowledgeable of beaver in the Carpathian Basin to share their experiences with issues concerning the spread and behavior of the species. We analyzed the information in the light of published literature and looked for new research directions. The beaver is present along all rivers and most streams of the region, the population is growing, and is challenging the peaceful coexistence of humans and beavers. In addition to the felled trees, beaver dams and digging activity of the species are also sources of conflict. The answers of our informants fill several important knowledge gaps. With their help we are able to make a new synthesis about our topics related to the beaver and compare it with data from Western Europe. The second part of our paper will deal with the food habits, building activity and habitat preference of the species.


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http1: Letöltés időpontja: 2018. június 19.

Social Sciences in Conservation