Innovative therapeutic applications in wound healing treatment

  • Balázs Bende
  • Borbála Lovászi
  • Diána Szűcs
  • Tamás Monostori
  • Anikó Kun-Varga
  • Parvaneh Shahram
  • Anikó Göblös
  • Zoltán Veréb
Keywords: artificial skin tissue, 3D bioprinting, mesenchymal stem cell, extracellular matrix proteins


Even today, the treatment of wounds, especially chronic wounds, is still a major burden on healthcare. In addition to the many pharmaceutical and surgical interventions,
the use of skin substitutes gains ground in this field. Skin substitutes can be considered as artificial tissues, they can help the skin to regenerate and they can model the main functions of the skin, but they have the disadvantage of
being mechanically fragile and not durable. They do not contain all the cellular elements of the skin, often only the specific extracellular matrix proteins. New innovative applications aim at creating more complex skin substitutes,
using artificial skin tissues created by three-dimensional tissue printing, not only for pre-clinical studies but also for clinical therapeutic use.
