A nagyléptékű fotovillamos rendszerek támogatáspolitikai stratégiáinak különbségei a Kárpát-medence egyes országaiban
The EU2030 goal includes the increase of renewable energy share to at least of 27% of the EU’s energy consumption. Renewables, especially photovoltaic energy investments and use, have become very popular in the last few years. New technologies and solutions can contribute to an increasing development in renewable energy. However, there are policy factors that can influence this process. In order to achieve renewable goals, governments began to support green electricity which caused a significant boom in installed capacity in some Carpathian Basin countries. However, on the one hand, this increase has caused negative effects, including the overuse of subsidies and the cut-back of supporting systems, as states could not maintain this high level of support. On the other hand, countries such as Croatia and Hungary maintained a slower increase of in-built photovoltaic capacity, thus keeping the state’s subsidy amount (and the share of RES in energy consumption) low. Using the results of policy documents and development strategies, the author concludes by arguing that the key motivations behind investing in renewables differs state by state, and are influenced by central government. Based on the literature review and other researchers’ findings, the funding of a balanced subsidy policy tool with three elements (Renewable Portfolio Standard, green certificate and feed-in tariff) can be a successful strategy.
Copyright (c) 2018 Varjú Viktor
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