A Study of the Characteristics of the Most Significant Hungarian Spa Towns Based on Their Settlement Structure

  • Ádám Köbli Edutus Egyetem, Gazdálkodástudományi Tanszék, Budapest
  • Zoltán Horváth PTE, Földtudományok Doktori Iskola, Pécs
Keywords: spa towns, settlement structure, GIS, Hévíz, Sárvár


In our research we investigate the complex settlement characteristics and specialities of the best-known Hungarian spa cities – Bük, Gyula, Harkány, Hajdúszoboszló, Hévíz, Sárvár and Zalakaros – that attract the most guests and offer the highest standard in accordance with the suprastructure of health tourism. These settlements have outstanding valuable tourism traditions, where the current structure was created over many decades. The spa cities carry out certain improvements continuously in order to maintain their leading role within the health tourism market. However, these developments should be planned in a complex way, with enhanced protection of natural resources, by emphasizing the importance of a system approach. Harmonious and sustainable development can therefore be accomplished in the long run, and can preserve local conditions, primarily ecological unity and the health of the specific mineral water base. In addition, planning based on local conditions and the priority of the interests of the local communities can also lead spa cities toward conscious long-term sustainability. These particularities have an effect on the settlement structure of the spa cities, the research of which ensures new opportunities in the conscious developments of the settlements.
