Sopron turisztikai szezonalitásának és a turizmusfejlesztés szükséges irányainak vizsgálata

  • Attila Barcza Pécsi Tudományegyetem, TTK Földtudományok Doktori Iskola, Pécs
  • János Csapó Pécsi Tudományegyetem, KTK Marketing és Turizmus Intézet, Pécs
  • Mátyás Hinek Metropolitan Egyetem, Turizmus és Marketing Intézet, Budapest
  • Gergely Marton Pécsi Tudományegyetem, TTK Sporttudományi és Testnevelési Intézet, Pécs


Seasonality is one of the most characteristic features in the majority of the destinations basically depending on the natural and man-made attractions and their annual availability through the year. Based on this, one of the general objectives of tourism is to decrease seasonality where the attractions of the destination are managed in order to increase tourism consumption in the non-preferred periods as well. The main objective of the present study and research is to analyse the tourism seasonality of Sopron, one of the most important cultural tourism destinations of Hungary with the help of the Gini-index. This analysis reveals the impacts of earlier developments, on the one hand, and can also serve as a basis for the future developments pointing out the necessary areas of intervention, on the other.
