Nature-based water retention methods in a hilly environment in the light of Hungarian and English case studies
This article aims to demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of nature-based solutions (NBS) for field water retention in a hilly environment through a case study from abroad and one from Hungary. The most commonly used methods, their functioning and their impact on water retention are reviewed with the help of photo illustrations. The effectiveness of the solutions presented in terms of water retention and flood peak attenuation is made clear and understandable through graphical evaluations of the field measurement campaigns carried out. The small-scale, and thus sometimes significant, interventions rely on locally available natural resources. Low-cost construction and maintenance offer a real alternative to or instead of concrete structures. As local communities and their field experience are incorporated during the design phase, this approach also stimulates social trust and community activism.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gábor Halupka, Tibor Rácz, Györgyi Gelybó, István Waltner

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