Changes in the ecological conditions of the shallow artificial Pátkai reservoir, based on the study of the chironomid fauna (Diptera: Chironomidae
The Pátkai reservoir was created in 1975 to regulate the water supply of Lake Velencei, but it is also used as a fishing and welfare lake. The water quality has deteriorated since the 90’s, possibly due to the lack of dredging and the amount of bait thrown into the water by anglers. With this research supported by the National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change (NKFIH-471-3/2021, RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014) we would like to contribute to the work of Central-Transdanubian Water Directorate (KDTVIZIG) for water quality improvement and algal bloom control by studying the chironomid fauna of the short (54 cm) sediment core collected from the reservoir. The high-resolution analysis of the fauna allows us to reveal the evolution of water quality and the history of the reservoir (draining, algal blooms). The analysis included measurements of the chlorophyll derivatives (SPDU) and other geochemical variables (TOC: total organic carbon, TbN: total bound nitrogen, C/N ratio) of the sediment. By examining vertically the chironomid community, we distinguished three zones: the first zone represented the significant water level changes due to the draining (1992) and refilling (1994) of the reservoir; the second zone was dominated by taxa indicating good oxygenation and mesotrophic-eutrophic conditions; the top zone was dominated by taxa tolerating oxygen deficiency and eutrophic-hypertrophic water. Along the first axis of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), species separated according to their trophic tolerance and oxygen demand. The increasing trend in TOC, TbN and SPDU indicate planktonic eutrophication, as indicated by water quality monitoring studies by the regional water management agency. Our results suggest that nutrient enrichment and the water level changes in the 90’s are the most important drivers of faunal changes. Water of good quality is a priority for the reservoir, as the need to replenish the water of Lake Velencei has been raised in recent years. The water quality improvement can be achieved by restricting angling, dredging the reservoir and increasing the inflow of the Császár-viz.
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