Long term changes of salinity in Lake Balaton (1891-2022)
The first comprehensive analysis of water chemistry of Lake Balaton was performed by Lajos Ilosvay in 1891. The pioneering works of the nineteenth century were followed by more modern analytical methods, involving larger spatial and temporal resolutions, carried out by the Hungarian Biological Research Institute (nowadays known as the HUN-REN Balaton Limnological Research Institute) after its opening in 1927. The regular and ongoing monitoring, which continues to this day, began in the 1970s thanks to the relevant water management authorities and government laboratories. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of over a century of changes in the salinity of Lake Balaton. According to our results, the concentration of total ion concentration has increased from the historical background level of 450 mg/l to around 620-690 mg/l in recent times. According to this, Lake Balaton was a freshwater lake until the early 1980s, but today it has become a brackish transitional water. Over the last half-century, the concentration of magnesium ions increased by 0.7 mg/l, natrium ions by 0.6 mg/l, chloride ions by 0.7 mg/l, sulphate ions by 1.8 mg/l, and bicarbonate and carbonate ions by 1.0 mg/l annually. The annual increase in the concentration of all ions has been 4.2 mg/l in the Keszthely basin and 5.0 mg/l in the Siófok basin since the 1970s. Among the major ions, only the concentration of calcium ions has not changed since the beginning of the measurements. This is because significant calcite precipitation occurs in Lake Balaton, causing the calcium concentration of inflowing waters to decrease by less than half. This process continues within the lake from west to east. Based on the differences between the water balance from 2010 to 2022, the average calcium ion concentrations of inflowing waters, and the average calcium ion concentration of the outflowing water, there were significant annual variations in the amount of calcite precipitation in the lake. The minimum was 25 000 tons/year, the maximum was 125 000 tons/year, with an average of 75,000 tons/year.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lajos Vörös, György István Tóth , Zsófia Látrányi-Lovász , Boglárka Somogyi
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