Legal Regulation of Religious Clothing in the Public Sphere in the Czech Republic in Light of the Case of a Muslim Student versus a Secondary School

  • Damián Němec Professor and Chairman, Department of Church History and Church Law, Sts. Cyril and Methodius School of Theology, Palacký University in Olomouc, the Czech Republic
Keywords: basic human rights, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, school, religious clothing


This study examines the issue of religious clothing in public spaces in the Czech Republic. It describes the legal regulation/restriction of this exercise of religious freedom in three areas: photographs on personal documents, face coverings at public assemblies, and religious clothes worn in schools. Regarding the third area, it examines in detail a Muslim student’s case against a medical secondary school. This case shows that the wearing of religious clothing is very loosely regulated in the Czech Republic and is restricted to a few specific areas.


Act of the National Committee of Czechoslovakia no. 11/1918 Sb. z. a n., on the establishment of an independent Czechoslovak state.

Act no. 55/1928 Sb. z. a n., on passports.

Act no. 95/1948 Sb., on the basic regulation of unified education (School Act).

Act no. 198/1948 Sb., on identity cards.

Act no. 53/1949 Sb. z. a n., on passports.

Act no. 218/1949 Sb., on economic indemnity of churches and religious communities by the state (Act on Churches and Religious Communities).

Act no. 68/1951 Sb., on voluntary organisations and assemblies.

Act no. 75/1957 Sb., on identity cards.

Act no. 63/1965 Sb., on travel documents.

Act no. 198/1993 Sb., on the illegality of the communist regime and on resistance against it

Act no. 84/1990 Sb., on the right of assembly.

Act no. 216/1991 Sb., on travel documents and travelling abroad.

Act no. 308/1991 Sb., on freedom of religious faith and the status of churches and religious communities (Act on Churches and Religious Communities).

Act no. 328/1999 Sb., on identity cards.

Act no. 329/1999 Sb., on travel documents and on the amendment of Act no. 283/1991 Sb., on the Police of the Czech Republic (Act on Travel Documents).

Act no. 3/2002 Sb., on freedom of religion and the status of churches and religious societies and on the amendment of certain laws (Act on Churches and Religious Communities).

Act no. 259/2002 Sb., amending Act no. 84/1990 Sb., on the right of assembly, as amended by Act no. 175/1990 Sb., and certain other acts.

Act no. 561/2004 Sb., on pre-school, primary, secondary, higher vocational and other education (School Act).

Act no. 274/2008 Sb., amending certain acts in connection with the adoption of the Act on the Police of the Czech Republic.

Act no. 94/2021 Sb., on emergency measures in the event of an epidemic of COVID-19 and amending some related acts.

Act no. 269/2021 Sb., on identity cards.

Approach of the Ministry of the Interior on the issue of masking during the assembly. Available at: (Accessed: 25.08.2021).

Act no. 198/2009 Sb., on equal treatment and legal means of protection against discrimination and on amendments to certain acts (Anti-Discrimination Act).

Constitutional act no. 121/1920 Sb. z. a n., introducing the Constitutional Charter of the Czechoslovak Republic.

Constitutional act no. 150/1948 Sb., Constitution of the Czechoslovak Republic.

Constitutional act no. 100/1960 Sb., Constitution of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic.

Constitutional act no. 23/1991 Sb., which introduces the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms as a constitutional law of the Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic.

Constitutional act no. 1/1993 Sb., Constitution of the Czech Republic.

Constitutional Decree of the President of the Republic no. 11/1944 Úř. věst. čsl., on the restoration of legal order.

Decree of the Minister of the Interior no. 320/1951 Ú.l., on voluntary organizations and assemblies.

Decree of the Federal Ministry of the Interior no. 135/1978 Sb., which issues more detailed regulations on identity cards.

Decree of the Federal Ministry of the Interior no. 119/1984 Sb., which issues more detailed regulations on identity cards.

Decree of the Minister of the Interior no. 338/1920 Sb. z. a n., on when the Order of the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic of 8 August 1919, no. 481 Sb. z. a n., on general civil identification cards, comes into force.

Decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs No. 2/1952 Ú.l., which issues more detailed regulations to the Passport Act.

Decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs no. 69/1953 Ú.l., on the exchange of passports and their registration.

Decree of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs no. 100/1959 Ú.l., on the issuance of passports.

Decree of the Ministry of the Interior no. 2384/1948 Ú.l., which sets out the details of identity cards.

Decree of the Ministry of the Interior no. 5/1958 Ú.l., which issues more detailed regulations on identity cards.

Decree of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs no. 64/1965 Sb., which issues implementing regulations to the Act on Travel Documents.

Decree of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs no. 44/1970 Sb., which issues implementing regulations to the Act on Travel Documents.

Decree of the Ministry of the Interior no. 128/1993 Sb., which implements the act on identity cards.

Decree of the Ministry of Interior no. 177/2000 Sb., implementing the act on identity cards and the act on travel documents.

Decree of the Ministry of Interior no. 642/2004 Sb., implementing the act on identity cards and the act on travel documents

Decree of the Ministry of Interior no. 400/2011 Sb., implementing the act on identity cards and the act on travel documents.

Decree of the Ministry of the Interior no. 281/2021 Sb., on the implementation of the Act on Identity Cards and certain provisions of the Act on Travel Documents and the Act on Basic Registers.

Decree of the Ministry of National Security no. 240/1953 Ú. l., which issues more detailed regulations on identity cards.

Gesetz Nr. 135/1867 RGBl., über das Versammlungsrecht.

Government regulation no. 87/1918 Sb. z. a n., on the issuance of passports.

Government regulation no. 31/1945 Sb. z. a n., which stipulates the end of the unfree period for the field of regulations on the restoration of legal order.

Government regulation no. 61/1953 Sb., on identity cards.

Government regulation no. 512/1991 Sb., implementing the Act no. 216/1991 Sb., on travel documents and travelling abroad.

Jäger, P. (2012a) ‘Svoboda myšlení, svědomí a náboženského vyznání [‘Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion’] in Wagnerová, E. et al. (eds.) Listina základních práv a svobod: komentář [Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms: Commentary]. Praha: Wolters Kluwer.

Jäger, P. (2012b) ‘Právo svobodně projevovat své náboženství a autonomie církví [‘The Right to Freely Express One’s Religion and the Autonomy of the Churches’] in Wagnerová, E. et al. (eds.) Listina základních práv a svobod: komentář [Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms: Commentary]. Praha: Wolters Kluwer.

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 27 November 2002 no. 4/2003 Sb. in the matter of a proposal to repeal act no. 3/2002 Sb., on freedom of religion and the status of Churches and religious Communities and to amend certain acts (Act on Churches and Religious Communities), or to repeal certain provisions of this Act.

Judgment of the District Court for Prague 10, file number 17 C 61/2016-172, of 27 January 2017.

Judgment of the District Court for Prague 10, file number 17 C 61/2016-350, of 20 July 2020.

Judgment of the Municipal Court in Prague, file number 12 Co 130/2017 – 228, of 19 September 2017.

Judgment of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, file number 25 Cdo 348/2019311, of 27 November 2019.

Kaiserliche Verordnung Nr. 31/1857 RBl., wirksam für alle Kronländer, über die Einführung eines neuen Paßsystemes.

Kohl, J. (2021) Svoboda projevu náboženství na školách (Diplomová práce) [Freedom of Expression of Religion in Schools (Diploma thesis)] Univerzita Palackého, Právnická fakulta [Palacký University, Faculty of Law].

Ministry of Education. Communication, ‘The right to freely express one’s religion or belief in the context of the rules of theoretical and practical teaching in schools and school facilities’, File no. ČŠIG-3601/14-G21, October 6, 2014.

Němec, D. & Hesová, Z. (2021) Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe: Czech Republic. Leiden: Brill.

Order of the Minister of Finance in agreement with the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Trades, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs no. 46/1919 Sb. z. a n., for the implementation of the Decree of 22 December 1918, no. 87 Sb. z. a n., on the issuance of passports.

Pražský hrad, Prezident ČR [Prague Castle, President of the Czech Republic]. Prezident republiky udělil státní vyznamenání, 28. října 2018 [The President of the Republic awarded the state decoration on October 28, 2018]. Available at: (Accessed: 25.05.2021).

Public Defender of Rights. Inquiry report on the ban on wearing headgear in a secondary medical school, file number 173/2013/DIS/EN, of 2 July 2014.

Regulation of the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic no. 481/1919 Sb. z. a n., which introduces general citizenship cards.

Resolution of the Presidency of the Czech National Council no. 2/1993 Sb., on the promulgation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms as part of the constitutional order of the Czech Republic.

Říha, Z. (2013) Právní úprava elektronických identifikačních průkazů a cestovních dokladů v ČR (Diplomová práce) [Legal Regulation of Electronic Identification Cards and Travel Documents in the Czech Republic (Diploma thesis)]. Brno: Masarykova univerzita.

Škola chce pokračovat v soudním sporu se studentkou o hidžáb. Obrátila se na Nejvyšší soud [The school wants to continue a lawsuit with a student over the hijab. It turned to the Supreme Court]. Available at: (Accessed: 26.08.2021).

Verordnung der Ministerien des Äußern, des Innern und des Handels Nr. 32/1857 RGBl., der obersten Polizeibehörde und des Armee-Ober-Commando, wirksam für alle Kronländer, womit neue paßpolizeiliche Vorschriften erlassen warden. Volby do Senátu Parlamentu ČR konané dne 2.10. – 3.10.2020 [Elections to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 2.10. – 3.10.2020]. Available at: (Accessed: 25.05.2021).

Všeobecné občanské legitimace [General citizenship cards]. Available at (Accessed: 25.07.2021).

How to Cite
NěmecD. (2021). Legal Regulation of Religious Clothing in the Public Sphere in the Czech Republic in Light of the Case of a Muslim Student versus a Secondary School. Law, Identity and Values, 1(2), 91-112.