Freedom of Conscience and Religion in Private Schools

  • Michał Poniatowski Adjunct, Faculty of Canon Law, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland
Keywords: religious freedom, freedom of conscience, private school, curriculum, worldview, pluralism


This study examines freedom of conscience and religion in private schools, which seems to lie outside the mainstream of discussions on the presence of religious symbols or, more broadly, religious acts in public spaces. First, the study explores the parallel historical formation of freedom of conscience/religion and the right to education. Then, the study sketches an outline of the sources of law guaranteeing these freedoms, focusing on the aspects common to European legal culture. Then, the subject and object of this freedom are discussed in the context of private schools. Selected case law is then examined to provide illustration. Finally, the study offers key general and de lege ferenda conclusions.


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Sources of law

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Case law - European Court of Human Rights

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S.A.S. v. France [Grand Chamber], 26 June 2014, no 43835/11.

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How to Cite
PoniatowskiM. (2021). Freedom of Conscience and Religion in Private Schools. Law, Identity and Values, 1(2), 113-127.