Religious Education in the Public Sphere in Slovenia

Keywords: religion, religious education, Slovenia, public school


Slovenia is among the few European states that explicitly do not allow religious education in public schools. This rule is prescribed by the Organization and Financing of Upbringing and Education Act (Education Act), which explicitly prohibits all religious activities in public schools. It prohibits any other kind of denominational activity in public schools and kindergartens. Several Slovene authors have argued that the area of education runs a high risk of either remaining or becoming a battlefield for ideological disputes. This study analyses the Slovenian legal regulation of religious education in public schools. First, the Slovenian model of state–church relations is explained. Then, a brief overview of the historical regulation of religious education in Slovenia’s public schools is provided in order to enable a clear understanding of current regulations.


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How to Cite
StaničićF. (2021). Religious Education in the Public Sphere in Slovenia. Law, Identity and Values, 1(2), 143-162.