Symbols of National Minorities in the Czech Republic, Their Use, and Legal Protection

Keywords: national minorities, rights of national minorities in the Czech Republic, symbols of national minorities in the Czech Republic, use and legal protection of symbols of national minorities in the Czech Republic


The article focuses on the issue of symbols of national minorities in the Czech Republic. The issue of symbols of national minorities, their use and legal protection is not given an attention in the Czech Republic—neither in literature nor incaselaw. Czech legislation is also silent in relation to this issue. Even so, we cannot give up on solving that issue. Therefore the article tries to include the right to use the symbols of national minorities under some of the explicitly enshrined rights of members of national minorities and subsequently derive from the general legislation the basic principles and rules for the use of these symbols by members of minorities in practice. In the next part of the article, the author tries to point out the means of protecting the symbols of national minorities and their use—both from the point of view of constitutional, administrative and criminal law. However, even here, the legal regulation is very unsystematic and very fragmented. Based on the above analysis, problematic aspects of the current legislation and practice are pointed out in the conclusion, and proposals and recommendations de lege ferenda are formulated.


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How to Cite
FrumarováK. (2023). Symbols of National Minorities in the Czech Republic, Their Use, and Legal Protection. Law, Identity and Values, 3(1), 75-89.