Parallel narratives and conflicting aspects of energy transition and heritage protection. A case study of a Hungarian urban estate

  • Gergely Horzsa HUN-REN Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont, Szociológiai Intézet
Keywords: resilience, energy community, local community, cultural heritage, energy transition


This paper employs a case study to show how the issue of energy transition is structured in a metropolitan locality and how it conflicts with heritage conservation concerns. The case study is set in a pre-1945 housing estate of single and two-storey twin and condominium houses in a major Hungarian city, which estate has important architectural value. The scientific relevance of the thesis is that research on sustainable energy use and social attitudes and actions related to renewable energy issues is poor in the Hungarian social science literature, while Hungarian sociology does not deal with topics of significant social relevance such as energy communities. The research is based on semi-structured interviews with 12 local civil society activists involved in heritage conservation and energy transition issues. Results of the research show that heritage conservation is associated with concepts of aesthetics, respect for the spirit of place, immobility and nuisance, while energy transition is associated with concepts of practicality, financial return, self-care, and the possibility of solving natural and social challenges. In many cases, the two sets of concepts are linked: in that both are technology-oriented, linked to local traditions, there is a certain pessimism that runs through them, and this stems from another common point: the effort of civil work for a struggling, labelled right cause, while local and national authorities cause in many cases barriers to resolving the conflict.


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How to Cite
HorzsaG. (2024). Parallel narratives and conflicting aspects of energy transition and heritage protection. A case study of a Hungarian urban estate. Hungarian Review of Sociology, 34(4), 61-86.