Are there value-independent climate policy experts and responses?

  • Viktor Varjú HUN-REN KRTK Regionális Kutatások Intézete, MATE VFGI Vidék- és Területfejlesztési Tanszék, PTE TKI Közösségi és Szociális Tanulmányok Tanszék
Keywords: climate change, climate policy, politics, belonging, value independence


Undoubtedly, climate change is now a hot issue in the social sciences. Numerous national and international studies explore attitudes towards climate change using both quantitative and qualitative methods. This paper aims to illustrate the aspects that domestic climate scientists tend to associate with when representing themselves as climate scientists. Furthermore, the study focuses on how these interconnections — with a particular focus on the political ones — influence the interpretation of climate change. The research is based on a series of 30 expert interviews. The structured interviews, lasting between 30 and 60 minutes, were conducted in 2021 with climate experts from civil society, local government, academia and the governmental sector across Hungary. The analysis is conducted along three layers at a time. On the one hand, the study analyses the experts’ constructs on climate change, on the other hand, the experts’ perception of the (domestic social actors’) attitude towards climate change, and it examines the social, “belonging” patterns of the experts (constructors) and their influencing effect. The study concludes that the experts, regardless of belonging, remained largely within the expert field, but there was a point (a quote from the Prime Minister) when all experts, crossed over into the political field. After that, however, the majority of them ‘re-entered’ the expert frame. Besides, the value choice of the experts influences their constructions on climate policy.


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How to Cite
VarjúV. (2024). Are there value-independent climate policy experts and responses?. Hungarian Review of Sociology, 34(4), 87-106.