Amphibian fauna of the Egyek-Pusztakócs marsh and grassland system (Hortobágy National Park, East Hungary)

  • Béla Mester MTA, Centre for Ecological Research (CER), Danube Research Institute (DRI), Department of Tisza River Research
  • Márton Szabolcs MTA, Centre for Ecological Research (CER), Danube Research Institute (DRI), Department of Tisza River Research
  • Mónika Szalai Körös-Maros National Park Directorate, Department of Nature Conservation and Grants Coordination
  • Mihály Tóth Őrségi National Park Directorate
  • Thomas Oliver Mérő MTA, Centre for Ecological Research (CER), Danube Research Institute (DRI), Department of Tisza River Research; Nature Protection and Study Society - NATURA
  • Csaba Szepesváry MTA, Centre for Ecological Research (CER), Danube Research Institute (DRI), Department of Tisza River Research
  • László Polyák BioAqua Pro Kft.
  • Miklós Puky MTA CER DRI, Department of Restoration and Animal Ecology
  • Szabolcs Lengyel MTA, Centre for Ecological Research (CER), Danube Research Institute (DRI), Department of Tisza River Research
Keywords: anurans, habitat management, herpetofauna, Hortobágy, monitoring, Natura 2000, reconstruction, urodeles


Accurate data on the occurrence and distribution of amphibian species are fundamental for conservation, especially in valuable areas with little previous knowledge. Here we present occurrence data for amphibian species in the Egyek-Pusztakócs marsh and grassland system (Hortobágy National Park, East Hungary). We used five methods for surveying amphibians (visual encounter surveying, acustic monitoring, visual and acustic surveying in transects, combined surveys, bottle traps, hand netting) in several field surveys. We observed a total of 14,362 individuals of 11 amphibian species (Common Newt, Danube Crested Newt, Fire-bellied Toad, Common Spadefoot, Common Toad, Green Toad, Common Tree Frog, Moor Frog, Pool Frog, Marsh Frog, Edible Frog). The diversity profiles of the six most intensively surveyed 2.5x2.5 km UTM cells showed no differences, indicating a homogeneous distribution of species in the marsh system. Our dataset expands the number of species detected in the two 10x10-km UTM cells covering the area by five and seven new species, respectively. We found large populations of two species (Danube Crested Newt (Triturus dobrogicus) and Fire-bellied Toad (Bombina bombina) listed on Annex II of the Habitats Directive. Landscape- and habitat-scale heterogeneity sustained by local conservation actions (grassland restoration and marsh management) can maintain diverse local amphibian assemblages, which highlights the importance of the marsh system.


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