Editorial Team

Editorial Board

Géza Balázs, professor, University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest, Hungary, and Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania
Éva Kocziszky, professor, University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest, Hungary

Adam J. Ledger FHEA, FRSA, stage director, professor of Theatre and Performance, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
János Vecsernyés, cinematographer and director, associate professor, Head of the Zsigmond Vilmos Institute of Film and Media at the University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest, Hungary

Arts and Sciences Advisory Board
José Gabriel López Antuñano, dramaturge and theatre critic, School of Dramatic Art of Castilla and Leon, Valladolid, Spain
Alekszandr Csepurov, theatre historian, theoretician and critic, Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia
Richard Gough, Emeritus Professor, Aberystwyth University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Lajos Koltai, recipient of Artist of the Nation title, Kossuth Prize-winning cinematographer and director, University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Sebastian-Vlad Popa, dramaturge, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters, and the Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania

Zsolt Antal, associate professor, Head of the Németh Antal Institute of Drama Theory at the University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest, Hungary


ISSN 2786-3263 (Print)

ISSN 2939-5305 (Online)

DOI 10.56044