On stage

A Contract with Nature

  • Hans-Jörg Rheinberger Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science
Keywords: Michel Serres, Natural Contract, Anthropocene, Symbiosis, World-Objects, Science, Nature-Culture Divide


This article reflects on Michael Serres’ philosophical insights in Le Contrat Naturel (1990), emphasizing the urgency of redefining humanity’s relationship with the Earth. Serres proposes a symbiotic alliance between the knowledge of natural sciences and prudent judgment, advocating for a profound shift in our interaction with the planet. The article delves into Serres’ conceptualization of the five elements—earth, air, fire, water, and the universe of the living—while scrutinizing the role of sciences in fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature. It also examines Serres’ critique of contemporary philosophy and social sciences, highlighting the unique position of natural sciences in acknowledging the material realities of the world. The interpretation of the two included images draws our attention to the consequences of neglecting the interconnectedness of humanity and nature. The author contends that scientists, as stewards of the Earth, must engage in a transformative process to ensure the sustainability of the planet for future generations.


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