Inviting the terrestrial on stage in our minds and bodies

Reshaping perspectives by accentuating a profound connection to the Earth

  • Eliane Beaufils University of Paris 8
Keywords: ecological awareness, Bruno Latour, theatricality, becoming terrestrial, sensory experience, environmental engagement, collective inquiry, participatory theater, ecological subjects, interdependence, political culture, co-evolutio


Grounded in the philosophy of Bruno Latour, this study explores the concept of becoming terrestrial within the context of heightened ecological awareness. The analysis focuses on four distinct theatrical performances (Cracks by choreographer Charlotta Ruth, Devenir forêt by Marina Pirot, Bretagne, Où atterrir by the collective Où atterrir, Paris, and Democracy of Organisms by Club Real) that aim to reshape perspectives by accentuating a profound connection to the Earth, thereby uncovering new possibilities for environmental engagement. Key elements include the sensory experiences involved, the significance of participatory theater, and the exploration of ecological subjects and their interdependence. The study delves into the evolving political culture and co-evolutionary dynamics inherent in these theatrical endeavors.


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