The Tragedy of Earth

Some Remarks on Climate Change In German-Speaking Contemporary Theatre

  • Andreas Englhart Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Keywords: Climate Change, Tragedy, Political Theatre, Gaia, Postdramatic Theatre, Brecht, Masks, Post-Human Theatre, Anthropocene, Hubris, Ethics, Anthropomorphism, Children’s Theatre, Species Extinction, Contemporary Theatre


This study explores the intersection of climate change and contemporary German-speaking theatre. The paper delves into the challenges posed by climate change and species extinction, emphasizing the need for presenting facts and fostering commitment. Drawing parallels to ancient Greek tragedies, the author examines the dramaturgical potential of political theatre to address the "tragedy of the earth" and instigate essential changes. The study covers various aspects, including the presentation of scientific facts and scenarios, the role of reason and ethics in theatre, the portrayal of Gaia (Earth) on stage, and the call for action in the tradition of Brecht and contemporary theatre. The exploration extends to the use of masks, the evolving nature of postdramatic and post-human theatre, and the challenge of representing nature and Gaia within traditional dramatic forms. The author concludes by discussing the ongoing search for an adequate theatrical form to address the tragedy of climate change and species extinction, emphasizing the role of drama and theatre in helping humanity navigate these challenges.


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