Following the Star

Nativity Scenes and Sacred Drama from the Middle Ages to the Baroque

  • Ferenc Veress Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem
Keywords: nativity scene, manger, Eastern sages


The study aims to show the origin and function of nativity scenes, a popular accessory of the Christmas holiday circle, in the liturgy. In the early Christian period, there was great interest in the scenes of Jesus' life, and therefore many pilgrims visited the Holy Land. Already in the letters of St. Jerome we find descriptions of the emotions evoked by the visit to Bethlehem. In the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, fragments of the nativity manger were preserved, so one of the earliest nativity scenes, Arnolfo di Cambio's sculpture group (late 13th century), can be found here. Arnolfo's work was done by the same IV. It was commissioned by Pope Nicholas, who also supported the decoration of the Franciscan basilica in Assisi. A scene from Giotto's fresco cycle in Assisi depicts the miracle of St. Francis in Greccio, that is, the Holy Mass celebrated over the manger and the coming to life of the infant placed in the manger. In the period of the Renaissance and Baroque, there are many examples of nativity scenes, both from the genres of painting and sculpture. In the liturgy, the genre of sacred drama emerged from the sacrificial procession of the faithful, which, leaving the church square, expanded into a mystery play. The nativity scenes, which show the influence of mystery plays, primarily wanted to make the miracle of the Incarnation tangible for believers.


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