Perspectives on the social and communal values

of the Frisian spoken performance The Diary of Anne Frank, a first impression

  • Antine Zijlstra NHL Stenden University
  • Berber Aardema University of Groningen
Keywords: amateur theatre events, Frisian (minority) language, villages, social and communal values, Frisian and Dutch audience members


Using the example of the Fordivedaesje amateur theatre association’s performance entitled The Diary of Anne Frank, the essay explores the topic of how Frisian language amateur theatre events performed in small villages contribute to the creation of social and community value for Frisian and Dutch audience members. The research is based on 17 short and 5 in-depth interviews, which the authors conducted with audience members, 13 Frisian and 4 Dutch attendants, and 2 Frisian and 3 Dutch visitors. The results show that participating in this amateur theatrical event strengthens the relationship between the members of the Frisian and Dutch communities, increases their members’ involvement in the production process, contributes to the creation of a collective experience, and strengthen the vitality of the villages, but at the same time it raises demographic questions, and other aspects related to the use of a minority language.


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Case Studies