Digitalisation and modern imaging technologies in dermatology

  • Antal Jobbágy
  • Noémi Nóra Varga
  • Phyllida Kerstin Hamilton-Meikle
  • Kende Lőrincz
  • Fanni Meznerics
  • Kincső Blága
  • Adrienn Poór
  • Márta Medvecz
  • Miklós Sárdy
  • Péter Holló
  • Norbert Wikonkál
  • Norbert Kiss
  • András Bánvölgyi
Keywords: digitalisation, teledermatology, artificial intelligence, decision support system, imaging, high-requency ultrasound, multispectral imaging


Teledermatology is one of the most important developments of digitalisation in dermatology. It has helped to ensure continuity of care during the COVID-19 pandemic. The combination of teledermatology with artificial intelligence can significantly improve medical decision-making. Among imaging modalities, dermoscopy is the most widely used, and its effectiveness can be significantly enhanced when combined with artificial intelligence. Novel techniques that have emerged in recent years include high-frequency ultrasound, optical coherence tomography or multispectral imaging. These are currently used in dermatological research but are expected to gradually become part of daily patient care.
The knowledge of digital technologies and new imaging techniques is essential for the modern dermatologist. In the future, it is expected to be an essential part of modern and optimised patient care.
