Toxic shock syndrome in childhood – focusing on necrotising fasciitis

  • Ágnes Rita Martonosi
  • Márió Mikóczi
  • Diana Molnár
  • László Szabó
  • Zsuzsanna Zsófia Szalai
Keywords: toxic shock syndrome, necrotising fasciitis, soft tissue infection, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus


Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is an acute, toxin-mediated, severe illness with fever, hypotension, multi-organ failure, diffuse rash (diffuse macular erythroderma) and desquamation. Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a rapidly progressive soft tissue infection associated with fulminant tissue destruction, severe systemic toxicity and a high rate of mortality. It frequently is a diagnostic challenge because the initial symptoms are aspecific and superficial tissues may appear intact. Antibiotic therapy and early surgical intervention form the basis of appropriate treatment.
