History, structure and international practice of psychodermatology care

  • Jutta Major
  • Eszter Szlávicz
  • Zsuzsanna Lengyel
Keywords: psychodermatology care, psychocutan disorders, skin and psyche, multidisciplinary


Psychodermatology is an evolving interdisciplinary scientific field that explores the relationship between the skin, the nervous system, and psychological phenomena. Investigation of psychological factors’s role in the pathogenesis, course, prognosis, and treatment of certain dermatological conditions is based on modern psychosomatic and biopsychosocial disease model. Despite the increasing acceptance of psychodermatology and extensive research in the field, the role,
position, competencies, and practices involved in psychodermatological care remain undetermined in clinical practice. Our study aims to address these questions based on international literature, models, and experiences obtained at the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Oncodermatology at the University of Pécs Medical School. Our goal is to present practical considerations that may contribute to the effectiveness of dermatological care and improve patient satisfaction and quality of life.
