Generalised oedematosus, haemorrhagic rashes: severe disease or benign condition?

  • Zsuzsanna Nemesánszky
  • Klára Veres
  • Annamária Fodor
  • Ágnes Schveibert
  • Zsófia Tari
  • Zsuzsanna Zsófia Szalai
Keywords: acte, haemorrhagic, edema, urticariform, benign


Acute haemorrhagic edema of infancy is a less-known, probably underdiagnosed condition. Despite of the rapidly evolving, haemorrhagic skin symptoms and the edema affecting multiple bodyparts, the disease is self-heeling and benign. Being aware of it is essential for preventing unnecessary diagnostic measures and inadequate therapies. In the majority of cases, this illness doesn’t require hospitalisation or only a short period of observation is needed to exclude any differential-diagnostic illnesses. It is a self limiting condition, that heels without residual symptoms. In this publication 5 cases of acute haemorrhagic edema of infancy are presented. In addition, differential diagnostics and diagnostic criterias are described.
