The Denationalisation of Agricultural Land and Forests in Slovenia: Unfolding a DecadesLong Journey

  • Ana Vlahek PhD. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana; Senior Researcher at the Institute for Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana
  • Matija Damjan PhD. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana; Director of the Institute for Comparative Law at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana
Keywords: nationalisation, denationalisation, agricultural land, forests, Slovenia, return of nationalised property, compensation for nationalisation, restitution in kind


The article analyses the denationalisation of agricultural land and forests in post-communist Slovenia, in the aftermath of its departure from socialist Yugoslavia in 1991. It begins with a historical overview of the relevant nationalisation measures adopted during and after the Second World War on the territory of Slovenia. It then analyses the prerequisites for, and the procedural rules on, the restitution of agricultural land and forests as set out in the Act on Denationalisation of 1991, and its further amendments, primarily shaped by decisions of the Constitutional Court. Special legislation on the return of property to agrarian communities and their members, as well as cooperatives, is also analysed. The article also focuses on the legal and procedural nuances that have shaped the denationalisation process in Slovenia, which after more than 30 years is finally in its closing stage. 


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