Systematization and some current issues of water law and water regulation in the framework of the European Union
The aim of this study is to show where and how water-related legal regulations appear in the legal system of the
European Union and what are the current issues that most affect the European Union's water legislation.
Although we strive for a holistic approach in the present study, however, because of the complex and difficult
nature of the issue, our attempt to present the above questions may only be subjective and partial. In the first half
of the study, we try to show what is meant by ʻwater lawʼ in the European Union. In the second, larger half of
the study, we list some of the water-related regulatory concepts and then try to show which parts of the European
Union legislation are covered by these regulatory concepts. As we will see, what the European Union today defines
as water law does not cover all essential regulatory concepts of water. In other words, important water-related
regulations (these are simply called regulatory concepts of water) are in many cases outside the European Union's
water law.
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