Application of rights included in pillars of Aarhus Convention during the environmental impact assessment of the Paks II. investment

  • Bianka Enikő Kocsis University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law, Department of Agricultural and Labour Law
Keywords: Aarhus Convention, Paks II. investment, environmental licensing


In this study the author examines the procedure of environmental impact assessment related the investment from an aspect which may be different from the general. In the research the hypothesis is the following: rights concluded in the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (which was adopted on 25 June 1998 in Aarhus) are ensured during the procedure. After examining the related theoretical basis and legal background, the author shows the procedure of the environmental impact assessment on Paks II. investment. However – in order to stay within the framework of the chosen topic – she focuses only those parts of that, which are relevant from the aspect of the Convention.

For this reason questions examined in the study will be the followings: were the rights concluded in Aarhus Convention guaranteed during the Paks II. investment? If they were – how can it be verified? Did anybody raise objections or submit comments related the observation of certain rules of the Convention during the procedure? How did these objections and comments been handled? Did they have a real effect on decision-making?
