The renewal of the legislation regarding the production and sustainability certification of biofuels
bio fuels, energy law, climate protection, sustainability certification, bioethanol
The regulation of biofuels is such an interface of energy law and agricultural law having regard to the aspects of climate protection, for which the significance of legal regulation is steadily increasing in these days. In 2020 the ratio of bioethanol and bioester mixed to the fuels increased to 10%. In this article, I undertake to collect the area’s most important sources of international, European Union and domestic regulations in order to get a clear picture about the current situation of the interface of energy law legislation and climate protection.
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7. Giacomo Grassi G, den Elzen M. G. J., Andries F. Hof A, Roberto Pilli R & Federici S (2012) The role of land use use change and forestry sector in achieving Annex I. reduction pledges, Climate Change, 115, p. 874.
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9. Miskolci Bodnár É (2013) Requirements for the successor to Kyoto –
The shortcomings of the current Protocol, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 8(14), pp. 53–74.
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11. Seres E L (2016) The question of compliance with the polluter-pays principle and State aid rules within the European Emission Trading Scheme, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 11(21), pp. 63–95.
12. Szurovecz (2015) Minor infringements in waste management, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 10(18), pp. 5–18.
13. Tóth Zs (2017) Soil protection in the EU: the most important soil-related EU policies and legal sources, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 12(22), pp. 202–246,
2. Bányai O (2014) Energiajog az ökológiai fenntarthatóság szolgálatában, DELA Könyvkiadó- és Kereskedelmi Kft., Debrecen.
3. Csák Cs (2014) „Aufsicht frei” – oder der Umfang der Verpflichtung zur Leistung der Information bei den grenzüberschreitenden Verbringungen von Abfällen, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 9(17), pp. 5-21.
4. De Vera E R (2016) The WTO and Biofuels: The Possibility of Sustainability Requirements, Chicago Journal of International Law, 8(2).
5. Garcia-Oliva F & R Masera O (2004) Assessment and measurement issues related to soil carbon sequestration in Land-Use, LandUse Change and Forestry (LULULCF) projects under Kyoto Protocol, Climate Change, 347.
6. Gawel E & Gritt (2011): Nachaltige Bioenergie-Intrumente zur Vermeidung negtiver indirekter Landnutt-zungseffekte, Nur, 33, p. 329.
7. Giacomo Grassi G, den Elzen M. G. J., Andries F. Hof A, Roberto Pilli R & Federici S (2012) The role of land use use change and forestry sector in achieving Annex I. reduction pledges, Climate Change, 115, p. 874.
8. Gyüre A (2018) Az éghajlat védelmének jogi keretei – PhD Thesis manuscript, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen.
9. Miskolci Bodnár É (2013) Requirements for the successor to Kyoto –
The shortcomings of the current Protocol, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 8(14), pp. 53–74.
10. Olajos I & Szilágyi Sz (2013) A megújuló energiaforrások Európai Uniós Jogi szabályozása, különös tekintettel a megújuló energiaforrásokra vonatkozó irányelvekre, Pubicationes Universitatis Miskolciensis Sectio Juridica et Politica, XXXI, pp. 441–450.
11. Seres E L (2016) The question of compliance with the polluter-pays principle and State aid rules within the European Emission Trading Scheme, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 11(21), pp. 63–95.
12. Szurovecz (2015) Minor infringements in waste management, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 10(18), pp. 5–18.
13. Tóth Zs (2017) Soil protection in the EU: the most important soil-related EU policies and legal sources, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law, 12(22), pp. 202–246,