The enforcement of the European Union environmental law in the mirror of the judicial practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union
In the framework of the present study, the author has concentrated on the judicial practice in relation to the Water Framework Directive, though – due to the relatively short ‘history’ of the Directive and presumably the Member States’ awareness of its significant importance – there are not too many relevant cases. The author has focused on two of the available cases in detail. One of them is Case C‑525/12 initiated by the European Commission against the Federal Republic of Germany and in which quite a few Member States intervened in support of the form of order sought by the Federal Republic of Germany. The other case, C-664/15 was a request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgerichtshof (Supreme Administrative Court, Austria) in the legal proceedings between Protect Natur-, Arten- und Landschaftsschutz Umweltorganisation and Bezirkshauptmannschaft Gmünd. In both cases, there are well-grounded interpretations of the provisions of the Water Framework Directive beneficial for legal practice.
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