FAO experiences with land market development and land management instruments in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

  • Morten Hartvigsen FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
  • Maxim Gorgan FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Keywords: land market development, land management instruments, land consolidation, land banking, Eastern Europe, Central Asia


Most countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia have farm structures characterized by excessive land fragmentation and small average farm sizes. Well-functioning agricultural land markets are a precondition for agricultural and rural development in general. However, agricultural land markets remain weak and still face many constraints in the region. Land management instruments such as land consolidation and land banking in addition to facilitating agricultural development also contribute to land market development. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is providing technical assistance to the member countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia related to development of agricultural land markets and introduction of land management instruments such as land consolidation and land banking.


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