The Right to a Healthy Environment as a Basic Human Right – Possible Approaches Based on the Practice of the Human Rights Mechanisms, with Special Regard to the Issues of Indigenous Peoples
The aim of the author is to examine the nexus between the development of the indigenous peoples’ rights – which came like a blast – and the prevalence of the right to a healthy environment. As another goal, the author aims to reveal how the protection of indigenous peoples’ rights can facilitate the realisation of environmental protection and sustainable development goals. In order to achieve his goals, the author – after clarifying the definitions in the first chapter – introduces the indigenous peoples and healthy environment related practice of the three regional human rights protection mechanisms – namely the European, the Inter-American and the African – in the second chapter. In the third chapter, the author briefly introduces those rights of the indigenous peoples, which could serve the protection of indigenous peoples’ rights and the positive and negative examples. The author draws his conclusions in the last chapter.
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