The Image of the Right to Privacy in Selected Polish Constitutional Court Cases
This research article aims to present an image of the right to privacy in selected Polish constitutional court cases. The paper starts with a concise introduction indicating the scope of the study, the justification for undertaking the analysis, and the methodology used. As part of the introduction, the current structure of the judiciary in Poland will also be presented. The court cases related to the right to privacy heard by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal will then be presented with a focus on considerations related to the understanding of the concept of the right to privacy, its content, scope, and elements, and the legally justified premises limiting this human right. Such judgments are based on the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. This will be done on the basis of three judgments of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal of significant importance to the title issue. As part of these considerations, reference will also be made to numerous other judgments of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, so that the presented discourse has the broadest possible context. The paper ends with a concise summary containing original observations related to the matter being discussed.
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