
Central European Journal of Comparative Law

HU ISSN 2732-0707 (Print)

HU ISSN 2732-1460 (Online)

DOI prefix: 10.47078


Published by

Central European Academic Publishing

H-1122 Budapest, Városmajor utca 12.

1539 Budapest, Pf. 561.  

Prof. Dr. Tímea Barzó Heinerné, Director-General


[The Journal was established in 2020 by the Budapest-based Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law. Volumes 1 and 2 as well as Issue 1 of Volume 3 were published by the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law.]



Prof. Dr. Szilágyi János Ede, Strategy Director of the Central European Academy (Budapest); full professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)



Editorial Team:

Prof. Dr.  Barzó Tímea , Director-General, Central European Academy

Prof. Dr. Dudás Attila, professor, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)

Prof. Dr. Jakab Nóra, professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Prof. Dr. Nagy Zoltán, professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Prof. Dr. Szilágyi János Ede, Strategy Director of the Central European Academy (Budapest); full professor, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Prof. Dr. Veress Emőd, professor, Sapientia - Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania)


Editorial Board:

Prof. Dr. Gianmaria Ajani, professor, University of Torino (Italy)

Prof. Dr. hab. Przemysław Czarnek, professor, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Dannecker, senior professor, University of Heidelberg (Germany)

Dr. Fábián Gyula, associate professor, Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herbert Küpper, managing director, Institut für Ostrecht, Munich (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Pier Giuseppe Monateri, professor, University of Torino (Italy)

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gert-Peter Reissner, professor, University of Graz (Austria)

Prof. Dr. h.c. Trócsányi László, professor, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church (Hungary)

Dr. habil. Marcin Wielec, Head of the Institute of Justice, Warsaw (Poland)


International Advisory and Peer-Review Board:

Dr. Béres Nóra, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Dr. Bóka János, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church (Hungary)

Dr. Diana Cirmaciu, University of Oradea (Romania)

Prof. Dr. Csák Csilla, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Csemáné Dr. Váradi Erika, Ferenc Mádl Insitute of Comparative Law (Hungary)

Dr. Marcel Dolobáč,  University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Kosice (Slovakia)

Dr. Domaniczky Endre, Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law (Hungary)

Dr. Gregor Dugar, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Dr. Dalibor Đukić, University of Belgrade

Dr. Ercsey Zsombor, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church (Hungary)

Dr. Kateřina Frumarová, Palacký University Olomouc (the Czech Republic)

Dr. Lilla Garayová, Pan-European University (Slovakia)

Dr. Gyurcsík Iván, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary)

Dr. Halász Zsolt, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary)

Dr. Hornyák Zsófia, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Dr. Horváth Attila, University of Public Service (Hungary)

Dr. Hulkó Gábor, Széchenyi István University (Hungary)

Dr. Kecső Gábor, Eötvös Lóránd University (Hungary)

Dr. Vladimir Marjanski, University of Novi Sad (Serbia)

Dr. Cristian Dumitru Miheș, University of Oradea (Romania)

Prof. Dr. Vladan Petrov, University of Belgrade (Serbia)

Dr. Pusztahelyi Réka, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Dr. Michal Radvan, Masaryk University (the Czech Republic)

Dr. Raisz Anikó, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Dr. Sándor Lénárd, Matthias Corvinus Collegium (Hungary)

Dr. Martin Škop, Masaryk University (the Czech Republic)

Dr. Solymosi-Szekeres Bernadett, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Dr. Aleksandra Syryt, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynszki University in Warsaw (Poland)

Dr. Szegedi László, University of Public Service (Hungary)

Dr. Tóth Mihály, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)

Dr. Magdolna Vallasek, Sapientia – Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania)

Dr. Varga Zoltán, University of Miskolc (Hungary)

Dr. Katarzyna Zombory, Central European Academy (Hungary)

Dr. Bruna Žuber, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)


Journal Manager:

Dr. Stefán Ibolya, University of Miskolc (Hungary)