Food Sovereignty: Is There an Emerging Paradigm in V4 Countries for the Regulation of the Acquisition of Ownership of Agricultural Lands by Legal Persons?

Keywords: acquisition of ownership, agricultural land, legal persons, comparative analysis, Visegrád Group


This study aims to provide an overview of regulation with regard to the acquisition of ownership of agricultural lands by legal persons in four countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Each state is analysed in separate chapters. The frame of reference for this research is food sovereignty; therefore, regulation in the respective countries is examined in light of this paradigm. Research has shown that even in a group of such closely related countries, there are significant differences in the scrutinised legal regulation. At the end of the study, a conclusion is drawn in light of food sovereignty.


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How to Cite
CsirszkiM. M., Szinek CsütörtökiH., & ZomboryK. (2021). Food Sovereignty: Is There an Emerging Paradigm in V4 Countries for the Regulation of the Acquisition of Ownership of Agricultural Lands by Legal Persons?. Central European Journal of Comparative Law, 2(1), 29-52.