Redefining the Relationship Between National Law and European Law

  • Bertrand Mathieu Faculty of Law, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Keywords: national law, European law, relationship between national law and European law


Relations between European legal orders and national legal orders present specificities that call into question the principles dictating how states are governed. As the scope of European activities expands, whether it is the European Union or Council of Europe, the potential for conflict is created. In this context, it is important to redefine these relationships and create regulatory mechanisms. This article aims to suggest avenues in this direction.


Bonnet, B. (2013) Repenser les rapports entre les ordres juridiques. Paris: LGDJ Lextenso.

Mathieu, B. (2017) Le droit contre la démocratie? Paris: LGDJ Lextenso.

How to Cite
MathieuB. (2021). Redefining the Relationship Between National Law and European Law. Central European Journal of Comparative Law, 2(1), 139-145.