The Neoliberal Transformation of Turkish NGOs: A Legitimacy Crisis Perspective

  • Ahmet Küçük School of Foreign Languages at Düzce University
  • Hakan Murat Arslan Faculty of Business Administration at Düzce University.


This research aims to examine the evolution of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Türkiye following the introduction of neoliberal policies, utilizing Habermas's legitimacy crisis theory. The findings demonstrate that neoliberal policies have created a crisis of legitimacy for NGOs, affecting both their institutional legitimacy and the legitimacy of the public sphere. By shedding light on the legitimacy crisis experienced by NGOs, this study provides an original perspective and contributes to understanding the transformation of NGOs in Türkiye. While qualitative text analysis formed the primary methodology, quantitative data was utilized to support qualitative findings with empirically validated results. By triangulating themes from various sources, consistent patterns in the spread of neoliberalism within the civil sphere were identified. However, it is important to note that further research and analysis are needed to fully comprehend the complexities of this topic and its implications for the field of social sciences.


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Hogyan kell idézni
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