Proposal for discussion: the management of blue and green water circulation and climate water scarcity in a unified

  • Gábor Ungvári REKK Ltd. Water Economics Unit
  • László Báder Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
Keywords: Hydrological cycle, climate change, evaporation, evapotranspiration, climatic water demand, ecological services, surface temperature, short water cycle, water security


This paper raises a problem and invites for discussion. The problem aims at illustrating the deficit in the water budget and its energy side consequences. Water extremities due to climate change and other anthropogenic forcings can be investigated in the context of a coupled atmosphere-water cycle-energy exchange model, which may explain the water cycle drivers of excess warming attributed to climate change. The approach adds a third element to the blue and green water fluxes (surface water and water used by vegetation): red water, i.e. the water equivalent of the heat released at the surface in the absence of water for evapotranspiration. The question is whether and, if so, what policy should be put in place to reduce this deficit?


Author Biographies

Gábor Ungvári, REKK Ltd. Water Economics Unit

GÁBOR UNGVÁRI is an economist and a member of the Water Economics Unit of the Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research.  Since 1999, he has participated in numerous water resource management, interdisciplinary research and expert programs, including flood risk and inland water problem management, regulation of underground water resources, watershed management and the development of the Danube waterway. His experiences were used in the work of the Economic Expert Group of the National Waterbasin Management Plan. Member of MHT since 2019.

László Báder, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering

LÁSZLÓ BÁDER engineer-geographer, member of the MHT. He is currently a doctoral student at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Engineering and Water Management. His research area is the estimation of evaporation and the investigation of the development of the climatic water and energy balance. He gained workplace experience in the competition sector, while also working in social organizations and participating in several national programs, such as the development of the National Forest Strategy.


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How to Cite
UngváriG., & BáderL. (2024). Proposal for discussion: the management of blue and green water circulation and climate water scarcity in a unified . Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 104(3), 61-66.