Post-pandemic pursuits: Activity preferences of rural tourists in Western Transdanubia

Keywords: rural tourism, hospitality, crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, post-COVID, family travellers, entertainment, gastronomy, recreation


This study examines the changing preferences of rural tourists in Western Transdanubia, Hungary, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. We aim to uncover how rural tourism has changed and identify the new winners of the shifting demand. In 2021, we conducted a comprehensive survey with 925 participants and introduced a novel activity-based segmentation of rural tourists, revealing a strong preference for complex service packages. Practically, our findings highlight that village caterers who have strategically segmented the market have emerged as winners, successfully attracting different age groups and genders with customized packages. Cluster analysis revealed a segment of rural tourists who, without exception, were enthusiastic about diverse activities. In particular, our cross-cluster analysis points to a significant amount of potential demand among middle-aged tourists. These findings help practitioners develop a targeted product mix and marketing strategy to meet the changing demands of rural tourism.


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How to Cite
DarabosF., KőmívesC., & SzabóR. Z. (2024). Post-pandemic pursuits: Activity preferences of rural tourists in Western Transdanubia. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 73(3), 283-301.