Population mobility and urban transport management: perspectives environmental quality degradation and sustainable development of suburban Makassar City, Indonesia
The expansion of the area towards suburban areas accompanied by suburbanization has an impact on the conversion of productive agricultural land and transportation movement systems. This study aims to analyse land use change works as a determinant of environmental degradation in suburban areas, the effect of land use changes, socio-economic activities, population mobility and transportation systems on environmental quality degradation, and models for handling land use, population mobility, transportation infrastructure and system management transportation towards sustainable development of suburban areas. This study uses a sequential qualitative-quantitative approach. Data obtained through observation, survey and documentation. The results of the study show that the intensity of land use change coupled with population mobility, in addition to affecting the urban transportation system based on the pattern of origin and destination of travel, also has an impact on the environmental quality degradation of suburban areas. Changes in land use, socioeconomic activities, population mobility and transportation systems has an effect in the environmental quality degradation of suburban areas with a coefficient of determination of 95.65 percent. This study recommends the application of a land use management model, population mobility, and transportation infrastructure towards the sustainability of the suburbs of Makassar City, Indonesia.References
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