The diagnostic continua of the soils of Europe
Diagnostic horizons, properties and materials are commonly applied building units of national and international soil classification systems. The presence, depth or absence of diagnostic information supports the process of objective soil classification, such as the World Reference Base (WRB). While the diagnostic units and associated descriptive qualifiers convey information that reflect pedogenesis, they also indicate important, and often complex properties that are related to soil fertility and other soil functions. The spatial extent or the continuum of diagnostic information is often different from the spatial extent of the mapping units in general soil maps (mostly reflecting soil types). This paper presents the spatial distribution of selected diagnostic units and qualifiers for the European Union and describes their significance for key soil functions. The derivation of selected diagnostics was performed based on the information provided in the European Soil Database and by taking into consideration the definitions, rules and allocation procedure of soils to the appropriate Reference Soil Group (RSG) defined by the WRB key. The definition of the presence/absence of the diagnostic units were performed by extracting information related to the first level of the WRB classification and to the qualifiers provided by the ESDB on the Soil Taxonomic Units (STU) level. The areal percentage of the STUs (thus, the derived diagnostics) within Soil Mapping Units (SMUs) was calculated and was visualized on separate maps. The study demonstrated the importance of the spatial information that the diagnostic elements convey, especially related to soil functions.References
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ádám Csorba, Arwyn Jones, Tamás Szegi, Endre Dobos, Erika Michéli

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