About the Journal

Iustum Aequum Salutare (IAS) is a double-anonymously edited law journal.

IAS is published by Pázmány Péter Catholic University, since 2005, 4 times a year.
Since its inception, the journal has become an open forum for lively academic debate, where all interested parties can satisfy their professional curiosity.
The journal publishes manuscripts from senior faculty members of the Faculty, from other universities or academic institutions, as well as from junior faculty members, doctoral students and, exceptionally, from students who have achieved outstanding results in their research. The sections of the journal are divided along these lines: the first section (ACTA) contains papers by academics with academic qualifications, the second (DISSERTATIONS) by authors at an earlier stage in their academic career, and the third (VARIA) by book reviews, conference reports and communications.
The journal also publishes the proceedings of professional events, conferences and symposia linked to the Faculty, provided that the speakers turn their presentations into a study paper.
All manuscripts submitted to the journal (to be published in ACTA and DISSERTATIONS) are peer-reviewed anonymously, so that articles published in the journal are given considerable weight in the scientific evaluation of individual academics.
Please also note that the full content of the journal is open access and articles can be downloaded from the internet at the same time as, or even before, the print edition.

The journal is classified by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences:
Section IX, Committee on Political Science and Law: "A"

Editorial procedure
The editors will send out for proofreading only manuscripts not previously published in Hungarian, excluding subsequent major revisions of manuscripts based on previously published research results. The editor-in-chief will initiate the peer review process for submitted manuscripts if the manuscript meets the journal's formal and substantive requirements. The editorial board of the journal sends the manuscript accepted for the peer-review process in an anonymised form for review.
At the end of the peer review process, the editorial board will make one of the following decisions:
- If the invited reviewer has supported the publication of the manuscript, the editorial board will accept the manuscript for publication.
- If the invited referee recommends a revision of the manuscript, the editorial board invites the author to revise the manuscript, which is then sent to a second referee for proofreading.
- If the invited reviewer recommends rejection of the manuscript, the editorial board rejects the manuscript.

Rules of Ethicss
The IAS is committed to adhering to the COPE principles and recommendations for all editorial work. The Editorial Board will make every effort to ensure that only scientifically sound, credible statements appear in the journal. The Editorial Board will take a firm stance against any ethical misconduct and will apply zero tolerance.

Investigation of misconduct
In all cases, the Editorial Board will rigorously investigate any abuse brought to its attention. To investigate abuse, the Editorial Office will follow the procedures set out in the COPE Process Charts.

Investigation of complaints
Complaints against editors, editorial board members or publishing house staff are investigated by the IAS Editor-in-Chief.

All persons who have made a significant contribution to the preparation of the publication or to the research on which the publication is based should be credited as authors of the publication. In the case of a joint work, the contact author must seek the agreement of all authors to submit the work for publication and only a manuscript whose final version has been approved by all authors will be accepted for publication.

Conflict of interest
All authors are required to declare to the Editorial Office any conflict of interest that may arise in relation to their personal interests.

Publication costs
The journal does not charge any fees or costs for the publication of manuscripts.

Authors are required to acknowledge all sources of direct funding for the preparation of the publication.

Intellectual property rights
The author warrants that the manuscript submitted for publication does not infringe the intellectual property rights of others.


Editorial Office
Editors must cooperate with each other and with the Editor-in-Chief in the organisation and implementation of editorial workflows, in particular proofreading procedures. Editors are responsible for liaising with authors, reviewers and the Publisher. The Editors are responsible for checking manuscripts submitted for publication for plagiarism and for inviting referees, and for organising the entire editorial workflow in a transparent and equal-opportunity manner. Editors are required to treat personal data obtained in this capacity as confidential.

Editorial Board
The Editorial Board is a scientific body of academic experts whose task is to define the professional orientations and scientific objectives of the journal. In particular, the Editorial Board is responsible for representing the journal in professional fora, setting its scientific direction and providing professional support to the Editorial Board.

Proof-readers are required to treat all manuscripts sent to them as confidential and to use them only in the context of the proof-reading procedure. They are also required to prepare their review objectively, in accordance with the general professional standards generally accepted in the legal and political sciences, and to report any ethical abuses of which they become aware to the Editorial Board. Throughout the entire editing process, editors are bound by COPE's editing recommendations. In order to ensure the independence of the peer review process, invited peer reviewers are required to bring any potential conflict of interest to the attention of the editorial board.

Authors are required to prepare their manuscript for publication in accordance with the journal's editorial rules and to declare that the work they submit for publication is their own work of original research and has not been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. In the case of a joint work, the corresponding author must declare that all authors have given their consent to the submission of the manuscript for publication.

Copyright declaration
By submitting a manuscript, authors consent to the journal obtaining the right of first publication of the publication under the terms of the Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence. Authors are entitled to enter into sub-licensing agreements with third parties, but may not establish exclusive rights of use in respect of their publications already published in the journal.

Privacy statement
The editorial staff of the Journal and the staff of the Publisher will treat personal data that come to their knowledge confidentially and only for the purpose for which they are collected throughout the editorial and publishing process.

Open Access and licence statement
All papers published in the journal are immediately accessible to all users without any restrictions and free of charge. Use of the content is subject to the terms of the Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence.

The journal uses the REAL-J system developed by MTA KIK for archiving its publications.