The Legal Sources of Lex Laetoria
Adults under the age of 25 (minores) had full legal capacity to act but were equally eligible for special legal protection. On the one hand, this was reflected in the substantial legal protection provided by lex Laetoria, from around 200 BC. The statute established an actio poenalis against anyone who deceived a minor. Later, the provisions in the praetorian edict augmented this legal protection: the praetor provided specific legal remedies (exceptio, in integrum restitutio) against the person who deceived the minor.
In this study, we evaluate the primary legal sources exceeding the current trends of secondary literature. The present investigation will not examine the relevant titles of the Digest or papyri texts related to lex Laetoria. We examine various minor legal sources, such as Tabula Heracleensis, lex Irnitana, and fragmentum de formula Fabiana. These are related to how the municipal administration was established (for example, who may be excluded from municipal posts and how duumviri might use iurisdictio) and how the actio legis Laetoriae had a noxal character.
The Pseudo-Paulian texts, as well as the texts in Codex Theodosianus and Iusitinanus, highlight particular cases that all assume a certain level of knowledge: minores were adults under the age of 25 who could enter into a contract. If, however, they were deceived while concluding or performing the contract, they could claim restitutio on the grounds of fraud by the opposing party. Overall, the texts provide support for our abstract knowledge of lex Laetoria but also reveal a network of practices at the micro level.
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