Egészségügyi helyzetkép 2020 végén-Európában

  • Katalin Botos Szegedi Tudományegyetem
Keywords: Health condition, regional differences, risk factors, the share of GDP, number of doctors, nurses, wages in the sector


Reviewing the situation, the study finds that it contains health risk factors that have only been exacerbated by the Covid crisis. The study notes that the sector in almost every country is falling short of the attention it deserves. In Eastern Europe, its share of GDP is significantly lower, especially and almost uniformly, than that of its Western counterparts. The former CMEA countries, the Eastern European countries, unequivocally like the heirs of the former socialist camp, are below the average of Western European and OECD countries in all health indicators.  They are always at the end of the listing of the different figures: life expectancy, main causes of mortality, limitation in daily activities, risk factors like smoking, obesity; but first of all: in health exexpenditure as a share of GDP, number of nurses, etc.  The shortage of the labor force from the desired level is significant, and it is especially wrong in Hungary. As well as the lag of the wage level in health care from the national average. This is no coincidence, but the OECD - EU reports make no reference to it. In a united Europe, we may say,  this would need to be corrected.

 Data for 2020 and 2021 show the strengthening effects of the Covid crisis, which already have and will have a compelling effect on modernizing economic policies and rethinking the development of the sector.

Kulcsszavak: egészségügyi helyzet,  kockázati tényezők, részarány a GDP-ből létszám, bérhelyzet, Covid hatása

Kay words : Health condition,  regional differences, risk factors, the share of GDP, number of doctors, nurses, wages in the sector.

How to Cite
BotosK. (2022). Egészségügyi helyzetkép 2020 végén-Európában. IME, 21(2), 4-13.