Data to the history of the Farkas Széll library
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FFarkas Széll (1844-1909) legal writer and judge of the Hungarian Supreme Court was one of the prominent book collectors of his age. His library of over three thousand volumes containing both manuscripts and printed books is especially outstanding as a Hungarica collection. After Széll’s death, it was inherited by his daughter living in Czechoslovakia as the wife of the world-famous violinist Jan Kubelík. Marianne Széll-Kubelík decided in 1928 to offer the collection to the Czech Ministry of Culture for purchase. The authors follow the events until the Széll-Library was in fact purchased by the Ministry and deposited as a contiguous unit in the one-time State and University Library in Prague, today the National Library (Narodní knihovna ČR). It belongs to the history of the library that prior to these events certain precious literary manuscripts were donated to the Library of the National Museum, Budapest (today Országos Széchényi Könyvtár /National Széchényi Library) partly by Farkas Széll himself and partly by his widow.
As Farkas Széll spent most of his life and active career in Debrecen or its vicinity, the acquisition source of his book collection is mainly this area, therefore it is especially rich in books and manuscripts with relevance to Debrecen.
Farkas Széll’s library is to be found and accessible in the Narodní knihovna ČR in Prague as the separate collection „Knihovna Kubelíkova-Széllova”, being the largest Hungarica private collection abroad in public library.