New Horoscopes of Hungarian Kings

  • Márton János Veszprémy Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Keywords: kings of Hungary, horoscope, horoscope collection, cultural history, sixteenth century


As research into the history of astrology accelerates, the thorough examination of manuscripts is bringing to light new sources, including the horoscopes of medieval Hungarian kings. In a 2021 study, David Juste published a list of seven new horoscopes of King Matthias Corvinus. Here, the Latin and German horoscopes of King Matthias, Ladislaus the Posthumous, Louis II, John I (Zápolya or Szapolyai) and John II (John Sigismund Zápolya or Szapolyai) that may be found in the manuscripts used by Juste are listed with transcriptions and Hungarian translations. These are supplemented with the horoscopes of Vladislaus I and II to make up the list of birth horoscopes of the seven rulers known to me. Since new horoscopes are constantly emerging, this list will very likely need to be supplemented in the future. These new sources give us a clearer picture of who copied collections of horoscopes for themselves during the period, and where and why they did so.
