Fehértói Katalin „Árpád-kori személynévtár (1000–1301)” címűmunkájáról – a nyelvészet, a történettudomány és a középlatin filológia szemszögéből

  • Jenő Kiss
  • László Solymosi
  • Kornél Szovák


On the "Onomasticon of Personal Names of the Age of the Arpads (1000–1301)" by Katalin Fehértói – from the point of view of linguistics, history and philology of medieval Latin

The Onomasticon by Katalin Fehértói presents the personal names of the Hungarian Middle Ages in an outstanding and exemplary manner. The onomasticon draws upon the material of medieval charters and other historical sources using the evidences provided by place-names and references to persons. The 9500 entries of the onomasticon contain 38,000 personal name forms including all the variants of spelling and pronunciation emerged in the sources. The personal name forms are specified by the date of year, by their original context and by the location of the quotation. The volume can be used in a digitized form owing to the CD-ROM enclosed. – In the present article one is informed about the antecedents of the onomasticon in the history of scholarship; in addition, the representatives of three branches of learning express appreciation for its utility in the fields of historical linguistics, historical onomastics, history, cultural history and philology of medieval Latin.

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