Examination of environmental legislation (related administrative law and some criminal and civil law) and sanctions for illegal waste dumping in the V4+ countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia)

  • László Uhri Adviser to the Chief Government
  • Orsolya Nemes Head of Unit, Ministry of Energy
Keywords: illegal waste dumping, waste management, environmental law, V4 countries, circular economy


Illegal dumping of waste is a high-profile environmental problem today. In order to address these challenges, cooperation and information exchange between the Visegrad Group (V4) countries and Slovenia (V4+) is vital. This study, which examines the regulatory mechanisms in the V4+ countries to combat illegal dumping, seeks to understand the environmental practices and legal frameworks related to this issue. The V4+ countries – the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia – face similar challenges in the area of illegal waste management. The study seeks to highlight the common cultural, historical and legal backgrounds binding these countries together, providing an ideal basis for cooperation and exchange of experiences. The analysis is accompanied by a detailed comparison of the environmental legal frameworks, criminal sanctions and enforcement mechanisms operational within the V4+ countries. Apart from analysing the specificities and strengths of each country, it focuses on the methods that have proved more effective in tackling the illegal waste problem. The document also highlights the importance of strengthening cooperation between the V4+ countries. By exchanging information and sharing best practices, countries in the region can apply tried and tested solutions. The document aims to promote enhanced regional cooperation as a catalyst for sustainable environment and waste management.


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